Ein Hoffnungsschimmer im normalen Wahnsinn

Brian Casper

If you read something that makes you
angry or appalled at the system,
then help change it.


Thank you Brian
for sharing you experiences




 Prison Stories by Brian Casper

Fatty Cyst Abduction Swollen Mistaken Identity

I started writing on a whim. Just telling a story to another guy I knew. He suggested I write it down for others, so I did. It didn't sound like the story I had told out loud, so I rewrote it. I tried to tell it on paper just like it happened and that is where "Swollen" came from. These are real events from my life. Name's maybe changed to protect the...... well let's just say, not everyone wants to have their story told, so some people will not get the credit they deserve. But the tales are real and the facts are true. If you read something that makes you angry or appalled at the system, then help change it.

That's why I write.

Brain and his family need help:

The reason I am writing to you today is that I would like to ask you to add something to your website for me.  I am wanting to get my family here for a visit.  I have only seen my son one time in the past 13 years and he is now having problems in school and getting along with the rest of the family.  I believe that some of this is due to me being in prison and not having better contact with him. Visits, phone calls and emails cost money, so I have set-up an email address and Pay-Pal account where people can make donations to help get my son and mom here to visit me. The account address is "donates2brian@gmail.com".

If you can copy and paste this information onto the site with the information about the author, I would be extremely grateful. My son is very important to me, but he is even more important to his grandmother. And the behavioral issues that he is experiencing right now are linked to me not being there. If I can get him here to visit, even if it's just once a year it will be an opportunity to mentor and be a father to him that just can't be done through letters. (JPay does not work in an FCI jail)

Thank you for any and all support with this. Brian

If you want to write Brian:

Brian Keith Casper 29312-077
USMCFM Springfield
P.O. Box 4000
Springfield, Missouri 65801

You can also contact him via email, but he needs your email address first
to invite you to CorrLinks.

Falls Sie ihm per Post schreiben
wollen, bitte notieren Sie ihre
Absenderadresse ausserhalb des
Couverts und innerhalb des Briefes. So
ist sichergestellt, dass er ihre Adresse
auch erhält. Es ist nicht gestattet,
Briefmarken oder Geld beizulegen.

Nutzen Sie nur weisses Briefpapier und auch Briefumschläge, alles andere wird vernichtet.


If you want to write to him by mail,
please write down the address
of the sender, outside the envelope

and inside the letter. This ensures he gets your address. It is not allowed to attach stamps or money.

Use only white stationery and also envelopes, everything else will be destroyed.



Now where Brian has a platform, it may well be that he writes more
I would be glad, his stories are very interesting.

Herzlichen Dank Brian
Deine Geschichten sind sehr informative und erkenntnisreich, mit einer Prise Humor

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