Ein Hoffnungsschimmer im normalen Wahnsinn
<FriendsReinaldo DennesPrivate and personally


West New York (New Jersey)

Is where I mostly grow up. Their are 6 public schools, elementary, one high school andon Catholic high school for girls, across the street.

Boys in the bathroom windows would smile at the girls in the catholic bathrooms  and the bad boys and girls would do more.


I never knew any of this as
I married as a virgin at 17 yrs old,
Daisy was also virgin and 16 yrs.
She was my first big love
and we
made it, I worked and made
100 a wk and it was enough.


We divorced twice and married twice,
the third time we divorced
I met someone, but if not would have married Daisy again, the third time.

Reinaldo's - First Communion

When I received the awareness of the spirit of the Father within me
I asked my parents, they didn´t know, I ask my grandparents they didn´t know 
no one knew anything about God

Now I know


I painted the picture for my son when he started playing the guitar.

Music is life. Inspires the soul, awakens the body and stimulates the mind

My daughter and her family