Ein Hoffnungsschimmer im normalen Wahnsinn
<FriendsAbel R. Ochoa

"Virtuous Women"


O' Adam how alone art thou.

You seek but do not have.

Our Lord saw your heart, and to work He went.

A beautiful helper He gave you, called "women".

Eve, Sara, Ruth, Esther, Rahab, Mary, Mary Magdalene, (Your Name).

O' virtuous women, God saw it fit to include you in His Mighty and wonderful plan.

Lift yourself uo women of the world, for without you, incomplete this world would be.

Wonderfully and beautifully made you are, our Lord let it be so.

So rise up virtuous women and proclaim to the world that you too bear the image of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



I was sitting here in my steel bunk thinking how God used many women in the Bible. And also how many women in society feel undervalved, looked down upon, and many have low self-esteem.

Then the above words came to my heart. It's my prayer that the above words would encourage all women to know that they are just as important as men in Gods wonderful plan.


June - 1 - 2014 By Abel R. Ochoa