Ein Hoffnungsschimmer im normalen Wahnsinn
<FriendsAbel R. Ochoa

"Peace less, Peace full"


For many years I had no peace.

The wind would blow, and I would fall.

The waves would rise, and I would sink.

All because I had no peace.

Burned up thanks to the scorching sun.

Frozen up thanks to the snow above.

All because I had no peace.

I'm not a quitter, peace I persistently spught.

Finaly one glorious day I found Jesus.

And with Him, peace He brought.

Now the wind blows, and I stand.

Now the waves rise, and I float.

The scorching sun and freezing snow, affect me no longer.

Because in Jesus, my peace I finally found.


7-17-17 By Abel R. Ochoa