Ein Hoffnungsschimmer im normalen Wahnsinn
<Todes- Kandidaten

Michael Lambrix


Michael Lambrix ist seit mehr als 30 Jahren
in der Todeszelle von Florida. Er hat immer
behauptet in Notwehr gehandelt zu haben.


Seine Hinrichtung wurde auf den
11 Februar 2016 angesetzt.

In sozusagen letzter Minute
wurde ihm nun ein Aufschub gewährt.

Peace with you

Deathrowjournals Michael Lambrix all News

Read/Hear Mike's latest May 2017 interview (with audio)
Michael Lambrix always maintained his complete innocence in the murder of Aleisha Bryant, and that he was compelled to act in in voluntary self-defense when he killed Clarence Moore, attempting to stop the violent assault of Clarence Moore upon Aleisha Bryant. His case is circumstancial. Southern Injustice, May 2017

Death Row Inmate Mike Lambrix Loses Appeal, Opens Door For Execution
Death Row inmate Mike Lambrix has lost his appeal for a new sentence. WLRN.com

Florida: The inmate in Cell 1
Cell 1 is the last cell Florida inmates stay in before they’re executed. It’s where they say their goodbyes, make peace with death or mount their final legal stands against death. It’s where many hope their sentence will be delayed or commuted. Some inmates get pulled out of Cell 1 to return to Death Row; others meet their end in the execution chamber a few feet away. It’s a place of uncertainty, the cell between life and death. deathpenaltynews

Deathrowjournals über Michael Lambrix
Breaking news: The Florida Supreme Court has issued an indefinite Stay of execution for Michael Lambrix. The order came hours after the court heard oral arguments that focused on the impact of a U.S. Supreme Court decision earlier this month that struck down the state’s death-penalty sentencing system.

In an open letter to the Governor of Florida today, friends and relatives of Mike Lambrix, who is due to be executed on February 11th,  respectfully  ask the Governor for a special clemency hearing in front of the full clemency board.
This follows his lawyer’s request for a stay of execution

Michael by Minutes Before Six
Eindrücklich schildert er seinen Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und schreibt über den "Tod durch Standard".

Michael by Save innocents
Support event to ask clemency for Mike Lambrix on behalf of his family and friends. With the kind support of Liberons Mumia Committee and Lutte Pour la Justice

Michael`s originale Beschwerde 2009