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Darlie Lynn Routier

Die schlimmste Art der Ungerechtigkeit
ist die vorgespielte Gerechtigkeit.

The Darlie Routier Case all News Other Website: For Darlie Routier

Wer das fassen mag, möge es fassen.

 Darlie has been on death row since 1997
She has always maintained her innocence.

Menschen betrauern besonders eine Mutter die Ihr Kind verloren hat. Die Trauer und das Mitleid ist noch grösser, wenn zwei Kinder in einer Familie zu Tode kommen.

Wie muss es für Darlie Lynn Routier sein?

Die zwei Kinder verlor, ihr drittes, welche überlebte nun an Leukämie erkrankt ist
und sie als Mutter der drei Kinder in der Todeszelle sitzt, seit 1997!!!

Wer mag dies unfassbare noch Fassen?

Wie vermochte Darlie Lynn Routier das fassen, verarbeiten und ertragen?

Darlie Lynn Routier is a Texan Mum who was sentenced to death for murdering her 5 years-old child Damon. She was accused also of killing her other six-years-old child, Devon. Both children were stabbed to death on June 6th, 1996. Darlie Lynn Routier has no prior conviction and has always maintained her innocence. Her 3rd Child, Drake is fighting today against leukemia. Her family is completely convinced of her innocence, including her husband, her mother,  her mother in law, as well as those who know her.

On Death Row II - Darlie Routier (Part 1) youtube
On Death Row II - Darlie Routier (Part 2) youtube
On Death Row II - Darlie Routier (Part 3) youtube

The Darlie Routier Case
Darlie Routier is on death row in Texas. She was charged with the murders of her two young sons, Devon and Damon. She was only prosecuted in Damon’s death. This site is committed to presenting the facts about her case and to demonstrate the problematic aspects of her prosecution and conviction.

Books about Darlie Routier | Amazon

Darlie Lynn Routier # 999220
Texas Department of Criminal Justice / Women on Death Row

12. Juni 2018 ABC star Viola Davis tackles real death row cases in ‘Last Defense’
How to Get Away with Murder's Annalise Keating might  have seen to it that Darlie Routier and Julius Jones never landed on death row. philly.com, by Ellen Gray

11. Juni 2018 ‘I did not kill my babies’  City native's murder conviction, appeal featured in docu-series When Altoona native Darlie Lynn Routier was convicted by a Texas jury in February 1997 of stabbing to death her young son, Damon, 5, and by implication, her other son, Devon, 6, she reportedly cried out, “I did not kill my babies.” Altoona Mirror, by Phil Ray

Ihre Anschrift:

Darlie Routier 999220
2305 Ransom Road
Gatesville TX 76528

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and inside the letter. This ensures she gets your address. It is not allowed to attach stamps or money.

Seid vor allem immer fähig
jede Ungerechtigkeit gegen jeden Menschen
an jedem Ort der Welt im Innersten zu fühlen.
Das ist die schönste Eigenschaft eines Revolutionärs.
Che Guevara