Ein Hoffnungsschimmer im normalen Wahnsinn
<FriendsReinaldo Dennes

The Mad Dog a Mighty Messenger

By Reinaldo Dennes


The first time I met a skinhead was about eight years ago. Tattoos decorated his body, AK-47s, skulls, swastikas, and this is just on his bald head. The rest of his body was a graffiti of bad trips from drugs and fighting demons of hell, even of his Fuhrer Hitler. “What's your name?” I asked him. “Cujo.” Why I was drawn to him was clear to my soul and heart, but my personality rejected all he stood for. The state of Texas, in all its wisdom, has death row inmates change cells every six months, consequently I was only able to talk with Cujo a few times before we changed cells. I would talk and show my artwork as a way to get closer to mad dog.

     During his short time on death row Cujo had created a name for himself; he was greatly feared as a man who would stab you in a heartbeat. He hated everyone who did not look like him. And he did not discriminate between officers and inmates, mail room or commissary workers, all would bleed. So the majority stayed away from him, but I sought out his company and asked if I could go outside on the recreation yards at the same time as he went. D/R inmates in Texas must recreate alone, however two recreation cages are side-by-side so we can talk to the person in the neighboring cage. This is the only time death row men can talk directly to each other, all other talking is through cell walls. Religion and spiritual references were taboo topics for Cujo, he would mock and spit on Christians or Jews alike, black or white, and…. His cup was filled with bitter hate. Cujo continued in his rage and cut a few and stabbed others, which always resulted in a trip to the hole. So on and off, Cujo was sent to the lowest level, F-Pod, where he was deprived of all privileges. To others a dungeon, but maybe to him it was home.

     Cujo achieved all kinds of endurance records of discipline and tdcj had to re-write the books on him. The rules state that after three months of good behavior on F-Pod, inmates are returned to the normal level. Who knows how Cujo managed to behave for three months to make his way back to level 1? Maybe to enjoy a breath of fresh air or a trip to commissary or perhaps relish a visit or two, but soon Cujo would cut again and return to the isolation where he was further tormented, deprived of all human necessities: clothes, heat, property, hygiene. It became so bad that it was best if he was kept away from those civilized and one whole pod was emptied out and devoted to the mad dog exclusively. For many months he was ‘shook down’ every hour on the hour, his body searched as well as his cell searched, 24 hours a day. When he started to sleep, time for shakedown. This went on for 30 days, then it was reduced to every four hours, for 30 more days, then every six hours, then every 12, then once a day. While all this is happening his meals consisted of compressed food loaf, with who knows what added surprise included, for six months and then… the beat goes on. Recreation allowed only one hour a day outside, by himself, for no one liked him, best to stay away from mad dogs.

     But the light soon began to penetrate his present darkness and Cujo started to reflect on his life. Finally, his soul asked if there is a God and if there is, why let his life end up this way. For he remembered when he was around six years old he asked about God to his atheist father and was punished for asking. He asked God to reveal him to the real truth, and so this prepared his mind to receive a little more. God answered this lost but greatly beloved son.
     Production on death row? These past 21 years have been very productive and slowly I progressed in word bound in my spiritual trip to the father; where Chris is covered with tattoos while I'm clean skinned, his hate is my love, and his war is my peace. We are opposite sides but of the same coin, both sons of God. I became aware that all violence and hate are done in total ignorance of the divine spirit within us all. To be in the will of God is to be in harmony with all, in peace and love.

     Unsurprisingly, I have no major cases, not in any trouble of any kind. But bless the ways of God. Every six months we are moved to a different cell even a different pod. A, B, C, D, or F, and every three months a major lockdown is bestowed upon us and everyone is thoroughly searched, cell included. The captain comes to me and says, “Dennes what is this?” “I don't know what that is.” Hidden for who knows how many years was a piece of rusted metal that has the potential of being sharpened into a weapon. “Regardless of your clean record if it's in your cell it's yours.” Go to jail, don't collect any property, straight to the dungeon. First time for me and if I have to go again I will, for I know there was another reason why I was sent there. I was thinking about mad dog.

     I went with a smile. I arrived on F pod, Level III, a place where the air seems thicker and smells of depression and evil. I walk in 77 cell and my neighbor in 76 is Cujo. We talked every day through the back wall and went outside an hour a day together. Slowly, Cujo opened up and talked about his life. Mostly he talked about when he was a kid and when, at age 10 he committed his first violent act. A kid had stolen his bicycle. From then he grew both in rage and violence. Every time something was done to him he paid back twice and then some. Eventually he was sent to juvenile detention where the violence against him continued and he learned how to protect himself from the inmates and the guards. When he was turned loose in the world he already fell deeper down that slippery path of evil and hate.

     An honor to know a prisoner? I was privileged to know Chris's life story so I can truthfully reveal the true essence of his conversion experience. Chris was reborn to know the will and ways of God, for Chris repented with all his heart and recognized how lost he was in the darkness. But God saw that small but bright light in his soul, and forgave Chris and gave him an incredible amount of love to fill the great void in his heart.

     To whom much is forgiven much love is felt. Chris started to love everyone and would give anything he had to any and all. But I have gotten a little ahead of myself, on the rec yard, Chris asked me about God. I shared my experience with the Urantia Book with him. Chris had read The Bible and didn't believe in a god of war and The Bible condemned him to hell. I explained this book will answer all his questions and millions of others he will ask.

     One day while Cujo sat in the ‘hole’ wearing only a paper gown, nothing to write with, nothing to read, no mattress, no blanket, no nothing, a guard tossed him a book that had been left in another cell. Desperate for something to do, anything to keep from going crazy, Cujo began reading this book.

     Can death row convert to life row? The change already started began to grow even more and secure his soul, anchor him to the father forever. He became a mighty messenger and shared his testimony with everyone. At last count gave he had sent 24 books to those he talked to, weather here or out around the world. After he read the Urantia Book his life was never the same, he forever knew that he was the son of God. Now the test of his faith begins, just because he was born again doesn't mean all those he hurt would forget and forgive him. He had hurt everyone from guards to inmates to mail room workers to commissary workers, maybe a few unknown others. It was their turn to pay back.

     The officers would deny him recreation, meals, showers, mail. The guards ignore him and when he asked where his food tray was or if he could shower the guards would say, “You verbally refused [recreation, showers, to eat].” He would say, “That's OK.” The mail room many times lost his mail, “That's OK.” Commissary, after many years of not being able to go, the first times he filled out his list claimed, “We didn't receive it, sorry.” “That's OK.” After a while he would make another list and if he paid for sneakers they would give him shower slides. If requested a radio they gave him a fan. He never again cursed anyone, all he would say is “It's OK.” Finally everyone got tired of prodding him and getting no results so eventually they left him in peace. After a few years of testing he passed all tests and became an honorable inmate with almost all liberties restored.

     Love and light from a 6 x 9 prison cell? People all over the world were drawn to Chris’s light. Each asked about his conversion and received or purchased a copy of this life changing book. Chris wanted to reach his lost son and the last time I talked with my brother he was writing a 50 page letter to his son. But he understood that when someone is not ready to listen he will never hear. Chris believed that we all will be given a chance to fully believe or reject even after death. For who really can be destroyed for not understanding in this world.
    Peace on death’s row? Christopher Chubasco Wilkins #999533 was executed by the state of Texas on January 11, 2017. Chris already has risen in the next world and will guide me into a higher awareness, as I guided him in this world. Truly he is a mighty messenger and continues to be one.

“My thoughts are my only demons; my demons are only my thoughts.” CCW

by Reinaldo Dennes