Ein Hoffnungsschimmer im normalen Wahnsinn

Reinaldo Dennes

His words to the human in the world:

I would love to care for someone, my mother,
stranger or even an animal. To share myself with
the hurt, blind or lost, anyone "Special news", listen! Wanted, anyone, someone in anyneed, will provide everything. Please let me, help you and share
with you the love of Jesus. | March 2017

Reinaldo has given an interview and shows there his latest variation of art:
Dilema de Vida o Muerte
Episodio #1. Entrevista exclusiva con hispano nacido en Cuba que espera el día de su ejecución en Texas. Reportero: Adrián Criscaut

Private, personally and friends of Reinaldo
A wise man transform any hell into a heaven

It is Reinaldos wish, to share his art with the world.
Reinaldo sent me photos of his paintings
and the text to the paintings,
you can see everything in the galleries. 20 years in the death row 23 hours alone in the cell, a lot of time for personal- spiritual- and artistic processes.

 „What I use to make colors, you would not believe, so it is all magic, I say“

1. Gallery 4. Gallery 7. Gallery
2. Gallery 5. Gallery 8. Gallery
3. Gallery 6. Gallery  

*             *              *

Special story to the painting 'Widow Maker'
A state official took it down and stole it

The Mad Dog a Mighty Messenger
By Reinaldo Dennes 20 April 2017
A Story to his Friend, was executed on January 2017

Reinaldo, ein Mensch

20 Jahre in der Todeszelle
20 Jahre keine Wiese unter den Füssen
20 Jahre keine Meeresbrise gespührt
20 Jahre keine Stille
20 Jahre keinen Schmetterling gesehen
20 Jahre isoliert von der Welt
20 Jahre keine Umarmung erlebt
20 Jahre leben in Metall und Beton

  Reinaldo, a human

  20 years in the death cell
  20 years no grass under the feet
  20 years no sea breeze felt
  20 years no silence
  20 years no butterfly seen
  20 years isolated from the world
  20 years no embrace experienced

  20 years live in metal and concrete

One thing led to another, and before you know it, I was arrested, tried, convicted and sent to death row under the law of parties (I killed no one) and here I am.
Excerpt from Interview Reinaldo Dennes by Charles Flores

Interview Reinaldo Dennes by Charles Flores

Creativity in the Midst of Chaos Poetry and Art from the Texas Death Row
A new publication by 12 artists from Texas Death Row

Kunstwerke von Reinaldo bei ARtFLAKES

Seine Anschrift:

Reinaldo Dennes 999248
                                 Polunsky Unit D/R                                 
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston, TX 77351

! New Rules for Offender Mail 1. March 2020 / TDCJ

The people on death row have also received tablets, so you can send them an email directly. You can make an account at Securus Technologies, a secure messaging service.
But remember, everything is read and controlled, so be careful with your words.

Achtung, ab 1. März 2020 gelten neue Regeln für den Briefverkehr. Es dürfen ausschliesslich weisse Briefumschlägr und weisses Papier verwendet werden! Es darf keine Zeichnungen oder jegliche Art von Farben, Stickers et. verwendet werden. Es ist nur gestatet Fotos beizulegen, maximal 10 Stück. Auch sind Geburtstagskarten oder Karten jeglicher Art verboten.


Falls Sie ihm per Post schreiben wollen, bitte notieren Sie ihre Absenderadresse ausserhalb des Couverts und innerhalb des Briefes. So ist sichergestellt, dass er ihre Adresse auch erhält. Es ist nicht gestattet, Briefmarken oder Geld beizulegen.

Attention, from 1 March 2020, new rules for correspondence will apply. Only white envelopes and white paper may be used! No drawings or any kind of paint, stickers etc. may be used. It is only allowed to attach photos, maximum 10 pieces. Also birthday cards or cards of any kind are prohibited.


If you want to write to him by mail, please write down the address
of the sender, outside the envelope and inside the letter. This ensures he gets your address. It is not allowed to attach
stamps or money.

   I share peace and love with my friend and brother, Reinaldo