Ein Hoffnungsschimmer im normalen Wahnsinn

Der Fall
Terry Darnell Edwards

Kampf, bis zur letzten Sekunde
um Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit und Leben
Emotionale und seelische Folter
für alle Beteiligten

Obwohl die Dallas News Zeitung mitteilte, dass Texas die Ausführung von Terry D. Edwards sich nicht leisten kann, da es zu viele offene Fragen zu seiner Schuld und seinen Rechten gibt, wurde die Execution mit 4 stündiger Verspätung durchgeführt.

Terry`s last Statement:
Yes, I made peace with God. I hope y'all make peace with this.

Dallas News
Texas cannot afford to execute Terry Edwards on Thursday; too many unanswered questions remain

Dallas News
Texas high court denies stay two days before execution, but death row inmate's appeals continue

The Guardian
Texas prisoner dies of lethal injection after last-minute appeal fails

Death Penalty Information Center
Texas Prisoner Seeks Stay of Execution Based on Claims of Innocence, Discriminatory Jury Selection, Junk Science

Is Texas About to Execute an Innocent Man?

Death Penalty News
Texas executes Terry Edwards

Death Penalty News
Texas cannot afford to execute Terry Edwards on Thursday; too many unanswered questions remain

The Texas Tribune
Texas executes man convicted in double murder
The execution, set to begin after 6 p.m., was delayed while the Texas Department of Criminal Justice awaited final rulings from the high court on last-minute pleadings for a stay. When the final denial came at around 9:45 p.m., witnesses walked from the cold, pitch-black night into the death chamber. A bald, goateed Edwards was strapped to a gurney, staring straight at the ceiling, looking determined and resolved.